Thursday, February 15, 2007

Fondling of Teacher Caught on Cell Phone Video

An Italian high school teacher has become the focus of an investigation after a cell phone video surfaced of a number of underage male students fondling her during class.

A lawyer for the teacher says she is the victim in the incident and that she had reported it to school authorities before the video surfaced.

I think that if she did not want the attention, she wouldn't have her thong showing. My take is that she was obviously letting this go on simply because of how casually she takes that kids hand out of her pants. No verbal reaction and no physical reaction. However, there are one of two things going on here, she either loved the attention, or she was too scared to do anything.

Watch the video and post your take on the situation below.


Anonymous said...

Give her the benefit of a doubt!

Anonymous said...

fake..that's a student..

Anonymous said...

i dont think she was another student, she looked older than the boys...